A. Bondu, D. Gay, V. Lemaire, M. Boullé, E. Cervenka. FEARS: a Feature and Representation Selection approach for Time Series Classification. In Proceedings of The Eleventh Asian Conference on Machine Learning, W.S. Lee, T. Suzuki (eds.), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 101, Pages 379-394, 2019.
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Author = {Bondu, A. and Gay, D. and Lemaire, V. and Boullé, M. and Cervenka, E.},
Title = {{FEARS:} a Feature and Representation Selection approach for Time Series Classification},
BookTitle = {Proceedings of The Eleventh Asian Conference on Machine Learning},
editor = {Lee, W.S. and Suzuki, T.},
Volume = {101},
Pages = {379--394},
Series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
Publisher = {PMLR},
Year = {2019}
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